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Monday, November 19, 2007

Some brilliant idea for your guys

191107 0830

As my daily exercises, as soon as I switch on my computer, I will go through my emails.

I am sure most of you guys heard about the possibilities that the petrol price will increase again. Well last week while having our breakfast, me and my colleague talk about what will happen if the oil price increase but our salary never increase (I am not working with the government you know..Lucky those government peeps). And this morning, as if somebody heard what we discussed and the possibilities will happen, I received this email showing exactly the things we've thought of:-

Just imagine what will happen if this really happen? LOL


Shemah said...

hahahaha! Yeah.. Ndak heran lah if people start to have their cars pulled by horses or those huskies. LOL! But the plane looked so freaky! hehehe...

queen quirin said...

ya..I'll think twice kalau mau naik the plane. hehehe but having my car pulled by horses.. hmmm think that's a good idea kan. Jimatttt..LOL