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Monday, November 26, 2007

Baca la kalau berani

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Yellow everbody....It's Monday and already I've been given an assignment. I've been tagged...***sob...sob*** by Emily.

Okey la...okey la.. thanks boss Emily ;P for the assignment. So this is what I was suppose to do.

The rules for this particular meme:

1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 random and or weird things about yourself.

3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.

4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

OMG! Weird things about myself? (Same like Emily's) I have to really squeez my little-almost-full-kindda-almost-as-hard-as-stone-brain. ok....ok... start thinking Quirin.......

updates : 4 days later

Sorry Emily, I just can't think and I have to take 4 days to do the tag. So here it goes

1. I talk to myself ALL THE TIME

2. I love to day dream and I can even day dream while taking my shower

3. I like looking at people while they are eating. -> does that sound weird enough?

4. I love to sleep---> hehehe now that's not even weird right.

5. I can talk and smile to other people and on the same time trying to remember his/her name

6. I love to have a lot of friends but I am the kind of person who need the other party to start the conversation first then I can talk.

7. (waw it number 7 already...yipeeee)...I will buy a lot of magazine but I can't remember reading all of it.I think I still have piles of mag which I haven't read.

Phewwww.... at last.... ok now I am tagging all of you who read this... hehehe that's what the header meant. So go.... do this tag. LOL

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