291007 1630
I’m being tagged by
like you Deana, I also don't know how this things work but I just follow la. lol. I suppose I should start now huh...
1. Pick out a scar you have, and explain how you got it?
I have 2 inch long scar on both of my heels. Got it when I was 8 yeas old. I was trying to reach for the dipper and put the zinc cover on top of my head.Guess what happen next.... a lot of blood..
2. What does your phone look like?
I always love Blue but I also fancy black. I am using Nokia 6288 now. (if I didn't get it for free think I am still using my Nokia 6230i.)
3. What is on the walls of your bedroom?
My Wedding picture, clock, Spiritual picture and hubby's "Men of the year" award.
4. What is your current desktop picture?
Words of inspiration with a very peaceful picture.(sakit mata bah)
5. Do you believe in gay marriage?
Not at all. They have their right but still saying "I do" must be between men and women. (I am a bit traditional)
7. What time were you born?
3.15 pm (as what written in my birth cert.My late mum wrote it)
8. Last person who made you cry?
Can't remember for I can even cry while watching sad movie. Does that count?
9. What is your favorite perfume/cologne?
I love perfume. Can't exactly name one but I love those with soft scent
10. What kind of hair/eye color do you like in the opposite sex?
Black (hair) and brown eye color.So the very asiankan.
11. What are you listening to?
Bapa Yang Kekal by Franky Sohimbing - can't help it that this song really touch me.
12. Do you get scared of the dark?
No if I'm at a familiar place especially in my room. It's peaceful.
13. Do you like pain killer?
i use to take ponstant whenever I have migraine but not anymore. Now I just sleep and it will go away (But I must make sure I slept in the dark and without any noise)
14. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
Depends on the purpose.
15. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
M not hungry at the moment but to think about it, I wanna eat mee hoon soup panas panas.
16. Who was the last person you made mad?
My GMD lollolol.. for not having a super duper interesting budgeted revenue. ahahahaha
17. Who was the last person who made you smile?
Hubby. He love to do things that I never taught of.
18. Is anyone in love with you?
My hubby for sure (same like Deana)..and may be another person out there who told me he loves me way a bit too late…(Same like Deana tooo.. ahahahahha)
okey now its my turn to tag people. Would like to tag Emily, Carol and Edgar. Good Luck