The breakaway is actually 10% work and 90% leisure. It is the annual agency conference for all who qualified. Where did we go? Well not as what I’ve expected but still I never been to this part of Malaysia. The journey start as early as 4.15am where I woke up, took my shower, woke up hubby, prepare ourselves and head to the airport where we need to be there at 05.00 am. Our flight took off at 06.05 am and reach KLIA at about 08.25am (why so detail girl?).. ok I am sure most of you start yawning. Sooowieee.. (just want to met the 360 word requirement – remember SPM? *wink)
A very bumpy journey to the end destination. Hubby said “ni kapal langgar tu Superman. Sebab tu dia marah terus goncang ni kapal.” (This plane hit the Superman so he shake the plane).. yaaahhh very funny. Luckly I didn’t vomit or else malu I.
So where is this end destination?
It was Johor Baharu. And we stayed here. (cheeehhh)
view of Johor Baharu Town from our room
And I got the “Smart Partnership” award..*clap..clap* Not a very encouraging performance though.
ok that's it for the 1st day. Will blog agin about the 2nd day ya. Thanks for spending your time here.
I've never been to Johor oo Quirin. What's the state punya specialty?
pan pac jb kan tuh..dekat sama tu shopping complex..sia gi sana at least 2 bulan sekali..tenangkan fikiran.
Flodawn - The state's specialty i suppose the laksa johor and I forgot another one but got sound like mee gam if i'm not mistaken. Betul ka Joy?
Urang ranau-ya Kota Raya. Punya banyak shopping complex d spore ko p johor punya Joy?
So...this year what did u got? I suppose not another handphone rite? Hmmm let me guessss...from the picture looks like a clock.M I Rite?
nope u r totally wrong. got RM500 parkson voucher *waaaaaaaa* :(
U must be kidding with the *waaa* and the :( symbol gurl...
seriously, RM500 can buy a lot oh.. pass it to me lah if u dowan..muehehehe, i'll reimburse you half, mcm? *wink wink*
heheehe I am expecting for something more bah tu. heheh greedy of me kan.. I've used up to RM200 now actually. *blush*
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