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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Name Tag

I was tagged by my FB friend and as Shemah did, I also decide to do this tag here in my blog..(you know why)..


It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag ten people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name : Quirin

2. A five Letter Word : Quick

3. A boy's Name : Qayyum ( as what I came across in UJANG comic)

4. A girl's Name : Qistina (Love this name though)

5. An occupation : Quantity Surveyor

6. A color : hmmmm... here goes the difficult part.. I can't think of any

7. Something you'll wear : a fashion diva I am not so can't think of one

9. A food : Quaker Oats (can this be accepted? Mesti laaaaa)

10. Something found in the bathroom: Quadrangular soap. (LOL)

11. A place : Queensland

12. A reason for being late : Queue very long la

13. Something you'd shout : Quiet!!!!

14. A movie title : Quarantine

15. Something you drink : Quick drink (HAHAHAHAHAHA)

16. A musical group : Queen

17. An animal : Quail

18. A street name : Queen street..(ada kah?)

19. A type of car : Quantum (saja la bagi nama heheh)

20. The title of a song : Que Sera Sera

I am not going to tag anybody so those of you who wish to do this tag, please do so ya..


CJane said...

Waw, come to think of it, susah juga bernama start with "Q" ni kan? Hehehehe... Imagine those whose names starts from "X".. mesti setengah mati buat ni tag. LOL!

queen quirin said...

ya bah.. I even have to look into the dictuionary bah to look for the word..punya susah

Beautydaffodil said...

Lucky me, mine started with A. If I were u, mmg banyak yg blank tu..

queen quirin said...

hehehe can't u see a lot of nonsense here and there.. hahaha