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Monday, July 14, 2008

I Hate Monday

I am going to declare here that I am officially an enemy of Monday. (Sorry to those Monday lover). I hate Monday especially today.

I especially hate this day today for everything just went all wrong. Ok..ok .. fine.. don't blame the day just because you don't have a very nice day as what you have expected it to be. FINE then..

Well just to make me feel better, I hate it when people expect us to do miracle when it is not within your power. I am just a middle person here. I can't just help to follow up not prepare the thing that you wanted. If I am the one who are arraging for it and who are suppose to come up with it then fine. You can scold and pressure me but NO..

I really don't like people especially bosses who always think that "Boss is always right" and hold the second rule tightly. What's the second rule ?.. well "If you think the boss is not right, refer to rule number 1.".. How pethatic...

Oi ko pikir ko boss ko buli suruh2 orang buat barang suka hati ko saja ka?.. Ko pikir kami ni robot ka?...

Well what said is said so if that particular person read this so be it.

This is especially dedicted to the person who think that is is my boss (but he is not) and that he is saving the company (by asking people to do all this stupid thing)


FloDawn said...

Wow Quirin, must be some jerk to make u sooo mad mcm ni. Ppl like dat to me mcm tin kosong. Byk buat bising but actly empty.
Hope your week improve :)

LxndreaSB said...

sabar sabar.. nanti blood pressure naik. not worth it beb..

queen quirin said...

flodawn - he really is a jerk. hehehe.. tambah dosa sa ni but who cares. MMg pun tin kosong. Apparently the week have improved a bit.

Edna - ya that's y I cool down sudah ni... not worth it kan.